ProjectsHANEDA – Holographic Near-Eye Display
In December 2017 funding agreement for realization of the “HANEDA – Holographic Near-Eye Display” project, was signed with the Foundation for Polish Science

The HANEDA project received funding under the Team Tech programme organised by the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) from the European Regional Development Fund under the 2014–2020 Smart Growth Operational Programme (SG OP), Priority Axis IV: Increasing the re¬search potential, Measure 4.4: Increasing the human po¬tential in R&D sector.

Project is realized by the Consortium of PCO S.A. and the Warsaw University of Technology in cooperation with the foreign research partner – Chiba University from Japan. Project is to last until 2020.

The aim of the HANEDA project is to prepare technology of near-eye color holographic displays –(RGB) that enable displaying signs seen by the operator with simultaneous viewing of real and virtual images without a need to change the visual field and focal distance, on 10-300 m distance.

The long-term objective is to obtain a range of holograph¬ic goggle products for observation or remote control systems with dual applications. This technology will be the base for development of observation and remote control systems for the operators of machines.

The project involves the recruitment and training for PCO S.A. of the engineering and scientific staff with the nec¬essary expertise in the area of holographic design and production. The main tasks realized by the PCO are:
– integration of technical requirements for the holographic goggles,
– integration of medical and physical requirements for the technical data, to project synthetic wide-range 3D display,
– project and construction of the miniaturized version of the near-eye holographic display in form of portable on head device.

The aim of these tasks is to demonstrate clear advantages of the lens less displays in cohesion and energetic efficiency compared with classical devices based on refractive optics. It will also be proving superiority of the 3D perception and observation compared with classical solutions. The main tasks of the Warsaw University of Technology are:

  • constructing model of the human eye’s activity in defined conditions of practical uses of the display,
  • preparing a study of ability to meet technical requirements in holography
  • preparation of the mumerical model and methodology of creation of the holographic view with taking account of the viewing corrections.

Support from the foreign partner includes:

  • Extending software algorithms prepared by the Japanese scientists for use in real time calculation of holograms that will be shown on the display.

The final users defined by the project team: firefighters, surgeons, special forces, flight controlers, micro-assembly, police forces, crane operators, drone operators, drivers.

The new innovation in the project is optional construction of goggles for diagnostics and sight rehabilitation. Currently no similar device exists despite the needs.

HANEDA – Holographic Near-Eye Display


PCO S.A. is a company with over 45 years of experience. It is the biggest Polish producer of optoelectronic devices with use of night vision, thermal imaging and laser technology.


28 Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego St.,
PL 03-982 Warsaw, Poland