Głowice optoelektroniczne do systemów wieżowych i przeciwlotniczych -enGOC-1 NIKE stabilized observation and aiming optoelectronic system


GOC-1 NIKE stabilized observation and aiming optoelectronic system

Optoelectronic head GOC-1 is dedicated for operation in detection, observation, tracking and targeting systems for ground and air targets in day and night conditions. 
The head is composed of an integrated opto-electronic module located on the two-axis stabilized assembly platform.

The optoelectronic module consists of:

• thermal camera (range 3-5 μm),
• a set of TV cameras equipped with external illumination level sensor,
• mono-impulse, eye-safe laser rangefinder.

GOC-1 NIKE stabilized observation and aiming optoelectronic system

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PCO S.A. is a company with over 45 years of experience. It is the biggest Polish producer of optoelectronic devices with use of night vision, thermal imaging and laser technology.


28 Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego St.,
PL 03-982 Warsaw, Poland