Głowice optoelektroniczne do systemów wieżowych i przeciwlotniczych -enGOS-1 AURORA optoelectronic head for observation and tracking


GOS-1 AURORA optoelectronic head for observation and tracking

GOS-1 optoelectronic head for observation and tracking is a technically advanced product with a number of features enabling easy integration with weapon platforms (vehicles; armament modules and anti-aircraft sets). Its design allows using it on different types of land vehicles designed for detection, recognition, identifi cation of ground and air targets. The head is an element of SKO 23 mm anti-aircraft rocket and artillery set ZUR-23-2SP of „PILICA” system.

The head is composed of:

• cooled thermal camera (range 3-5 μm KMW-1),

• TV camera KTVD-1M,

• laser rangefi nder with high frequency of repetitions L-GM20.

GOS-1 AURORA optoelectronic head for observation and tracking

For more information contact:


PCO S.A. is a company with over 45 years of experience. It is the biggest Polish producer of optoelectronic devices with use of night vision, thermal imaging and laser technology.


28 Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego St.,
PL 03-982 Warsaw, Poland