2019Presentation of PCO at Wola Gułowska


On 6th of October PCO S.A. was presenting its products during the 80th anniversary celebrations of the battle of Kock, held in Wola Gułowska.

Presentation of the Polish defence companies was accpmpanying a picnic and ceremony commemorating last big battle of the 1939 defensive war.

PCO exhibited MU-3ADM Night Vision Goggles, PNL-3M Aviator’s Night Vision Goggles, NPL-1T Thermal Binoculars, NPL-1M Night Vision Binoculars, SCT Thermal Sight and DCM-1 Modular Day Sight.

Presentation of PCO at Wola Gułowska


PCO S.A. is a company with over 45 years of experience. It is the biggest Polish producer of optoelectronic devices with use of night vision, thermal imaging and laser technology.


28 Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego St.,
PL 03-982 Warsaw, Poland