PCO S.A. is a company with over 45 years of experience. It is the biggest Polish producer of optoelectronic devices with use of night vision, thermal imaging and laser technology. All products are a result of research and development activities of the company.
PCO SA produces a wide range of optoelectronic observation and aiming devices with laser, night vision and thermal vision technologies to military personnel and uniformed services. These include night vision goggles and monoculars, aviator’s goggles, as well as day-night thermal imaging and night vision aiming sights, collimator sights.
PCO produces also observation systems for various armoured vehicles, including night vision and thermal imaging systems, as well optoelectronic heads with various sensors (NV, IR, TV cameras, laser rangefinders), flight parameters display systems, fire control systems, and laser warning systems. It also modernises periscopes and observation systems for armoured vehicles.
Nowadays the company employs over 600 skilled employees.
PCO S.A. is a member of the Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa S.A. (PGZ S.A.) consolidating polish defence industry.
Warsaw Regional Court 13th Economic Department KRS No 0000169830
Capital: 32.024.620,00 PLN NIP: 525-00-00-825 Regon: 010743638