Integrated optoelectronic modulesZMO-1 SFINKS Integrated Optoelectronic Module

ZMO-1 SFINKS Integrated Optoelectronic Module

ZMO-1 Integrated Optoelectronic Module is intended to be used in remote-controlled weapon modules and stationary observation systems. The modules enables the detection, recognition, identification and distance measurement to the detected target.

In the integrated optoelectronic module ZMO-1 as sensors were used: an infrared camera, laser rangefinder and a pact of television cameras. Module functions control is done by the desktops used in the system.

ZMO-1 SFINKS Integrated Optoelectronic Module

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PCO S.A. is a company with over 45 years of experience. It is the biggest Polish producer of optoelectronic devices with use of night vision, thermal imaging and laser technology.


28 Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego St.,
PL 03-982 Warsaw, Poland